72+ Secrets to Make Every Man Chase You, and Commit to You

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A well-researched understanding of the male psyche

The Secrets of Creating and Maintaining a Deep Attraction

After years of coaching experience, research, and talking to hundreds of men and women,

I have discovered the secrets that will improve your dating and love life in a way you would have never dreamed possible.

-Do you want to get out of the vicious cycle of dating that is full of drama?

-Do you want to take control of your dating life?

-Do you want to be the woman who can read men "like a book"?

-Do you want to know how to turn a casual relationship into a committed one?

-Do you want to stop falling for the wrong types of men?

-Do you want to keep a man's interest forever?

-Do you want to be the woman that men will chase after and do anything to date?

-Do you want to learn how to find and date a high-quality man who WANTS COMMITMENT?

-Do you want to know how to influence men and make them do what you want?

-Do you want to know how to get a guy to WANT a serious commitment without your even asking?

-Do you want to know how to make a man love you deeper and deeper every day?

-Won't it be great when once and for all, dating and relationships are headache-free and drama-free?

If you want any of the above things to happen in your love life,

The Amazing Things You'll Learn in the “72+ Secrets” Ebook

Let me show you the things you will learn in this powerful book that will help you achieve your dating goals and transform your love life forever:

  • 3 common sources of all your dating/relationship problems (pages 10-14)

  • The female instincts that can enslave you (pages 20-23)

  • How to manage anxiety and insecurity in dating and relationships (pages 23-27)

  • Understanding male instincts – you can't afford to miss this one! (pages 70- 76)

  • How to date with the “end result” in mind, and refuse to allow negative emotions to distract you from the correct path (pages 50-54)

  • How to manage your emotions and why a man is so attracted to a woman who has the ability to do so (pages 43-45)

  • The single most important quality that a good man looks for in his life partner and how you can cultivate this quality (pages 46)

  • How to Play Hard to Get - The Smart Way (pages 72-75)

  • Fatal mistakes a woman makes that kill the man's attraction (pages 30-32)

  • How men decide with which woman to fall in lust and which woman to fall in love. They DO NOT want you to know this! (pages 76-77)

  • How to make a man fall in love, no matter how hard he resists (pages 93-94)

  • Top secrets legendary seductresses have used to land powerful men (pages 83-88)

  • How to use phone calls, emails, and text messages to increase your allure (pages 89-91)

  • How to assess a man's "Relationship Potential" (pages 55-56)

  • 3 qualities that your true prince must have (pages 57-59)

  • 7 types of toxic men you must get away from (pages 60-65)

  • How to stay in a man's life forever and make him never want to leave you (pages 65-67)

  • What do the "naturals" do to get the men (pages 67-70)

  • Everything you need to know about male psychology (pages 70-77)

  • How to make a guy notice you - it's NOT what you think it is (pages 78-80)

  • How to get a guy to ask you out (pages 81-83)

  • How to avoid the mistakes 95% of women make when they call guys - this is the real reason that men don't call back (pages 89-90)

  • How to use text messages to deepen attraction (page 91)

  • How to use emails to deepen attraction (page 92)

  • How to assess a man's attachment styles and use that knowledge to "seal the deal" (pages 93-97)

  • How to use sexual tension to your advantage, while still being classy (pages 98-99)

  • How to use online dating to keep your options open (page 110)

  • How to bypass a man's resistance to emotional bonding (pages 106-108)

  • How to be less available and MORE desirable (page 86)

  • How to correctly identify your emotions and understand how they affect you (pages 44-45)

  • How to get under a man's skin and truly understand him (pages 46-48)

  • The three physical features that instantly attract men and how you can play up those features (pages 78-80)

  • How to make a man feel more desire and respect towards you (page 85)

  • How to use the promise of sex rather than actual sex to generate intense interest (pages 88-89)

  • 13+1 Characteristics that Naturally Attract Men (pages 117-133)

  • How to deal with the emotionally unavailable man (pages 133-149)

  • How to be a sensual woman and fire up his world (pages 150-160)

  • And much, much more,


Plus, You Will Get # 3 BONUSES


- 13+1 characteristics that trigger powerful attraction in men


- How can you enjoy physical pleasures and be a great lover through fun exercises?


-how to better understand, attract, and establish an emotional bond with these challenging men.

How Much is the Man of Your Dream Worth to You?

What's the value of having the power to make men chase you, adore you, and feel powerless to resist you?

What's the value of saving YEARS of dating the wrong men and staying in the wrong relationships?

What's the value of avoiding heartbreaks and starting to enjoy the happiness that love is supposed to deliver?

What's the value of having the power to direct where you want a relationship to go and influence how your man feels about you?

How much is it worth to achieve success in one of the most important relationships

in your life? Thousands of dollars? Hundreds of thousands of dollars?

My Individual Consultation costs $500 only for one hour. And it usually takes at least five sessions for my clients to process the material.

That's $2500right there! What if I tell you that you can get

all the benefits and all the knowledge that my private clients get for not even half the price, not even a tenth of the price, or a twentieth of the price.

The cost of attracting and keeping the man of your dreams is only $23

I want this!
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162 pages
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72+ Secrets to Make Every Man Chase You, and Commit to You

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